70 gallons all together not including sump
so for my bedroom system im doing 2 tanks running off of one sump, i decided to get lazy and not drive to kms and pick up a 1 3/4" diamond wholesaw bit for my tripod drill so now it looks like im going to be doing overflow boxes for both systems (have a couple laying around somewhere)
the first tank is a 40 gallon cube and the second is a 29 gallon and the sump will be a custom 30 gallon sump
as it sits, the cube tank is fully cycled and has a 150 watt de he above it and has 2 damsels and 2 pieces of coral (paly and some random unknown sps but once its ready it will be FULL of lps and softies and possibly 2 or 3 fish + cleanup crew
the 29 gallon is lit by 2 24" t5ho's and will contain 2 clowns, an anemone, and possibly a goby or 2