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Old 07-09-2011, 04:21 AM
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Join Date: Apr 2011
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Proteus is on a distinguished road

thanks for the great info

all carbon was removed the reason for cabon in the first place to remove a little metroplex as i had a stressed out firefish who devopled a little ick. i just never removed it thinking no harm.

and as for the ammonia it was from adding a little to much lr at one time and my ph probe was out of cal. but it was shortlived and is better now

i just did a test on the water prior to water change and nitraes were at 5 and ammonia was at 0.1.

thanks for the advice on feed and food soak. i do use frozen spirulina product daily but i will look intothe wardleys
would it be wise to start a antibiotic or just to travel the road
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