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Old 07-07-2011, 09:29 AM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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Originally Posted by Avrbuster View Post
Thanks for the help identifying it. It is now in direct light, should I move it or will it be ok?

That means our peppermint shrimp might still be in there!
no sense trying to move it they have whats like little mounds they live in and they can retract into it you wont be able to get it off without harming it i would just leave it be and let it do its thing its a cool animal to have and i bet theres actually more than one in can try to feed it i use to feed mine mysis they are very sticky and actually pack quite the sting to other corals.there has reports of the larger ones being able to eat fish but i doubt it mine were never that big and i dont see it happening

your peppermints wont touch it and i doubt they are dead, peppermints have been known to dissappear for weeks at a time
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