Originally Posted by rburns24
I was wondering how your frags are colouring/have coloured up and if you can noticed any effect of using the zeovit products yet.
I would say that yes I have noticed better color in some of the acros but not all and I have noticed better polyp extension in some acros but not all. By no means would I say that the product is a big game changer for my tank so far. I remain optimistic and will continue to dose until my current bottles are gone and then will evaluate from there.
I think at the very least I would continue to dose the coral vitalizer as food but am currently unsure about the xtra. I haven't been using it very long yet though so need to give it more time before I come to a conclusion.
Growth is going pretty well with most of the frags but a few have stalled out after they encrusted their frag discs.