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Old 07-07-2011, 02:46 AM
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silentcivilian silentcivilian is offline
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Stony Rapids, Saskatchewan
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Originally Posted by fishytime View Post
7" isnt really all that impressive...........remember....they say it doesnt, but size does matter

Dude......your gonna be hard pressed to find any kind of suitable "tankmate/snack"......Laurie and I watched a show where a scorpion fish ate a lionfish!.......yes a lionfish!.....they are capable of eating a fish that is 2/3 length....
There are a few good candidates im looking for. But my foxface was almost swallowed whole, I think his venom saved him.

Originally Posted by nlreefguy View Post
Just checking but you do know how dangerous he is, right? (and not necessarily to his tankmates!)
I realise how dangerous it is. Painful enough that some people request their affected area to be removed, can kill a full grown human in under 2 hours. How ever the treatment is simple. Because it is a protein based venom, it would be denatured by heat. So recommended treatment even over anti-venom is heat. Over 45C degrees will simply break it down.

Also, they are completely lazy, ive fed him by hand last time, you pretty much would have to grind your hand into him to anger him.
In today's world of nearly instant everything and what is exceptional today is only par tomorrow. My Reef is the only place where I must wait, and do so with glee.

Last edited by silentcivilian; 07-07-2011 at 04:00 AM. Reason: foul language
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