Ah Okay, So what I understand, the consensus is that the probiotic step is designed to remove nutrients from all over the tank, when I was just considering what was located in the water (That can be caught by skimming and filters). I can use other methods if I want, as long as the same effect is being achieved.
If you think you can maintain a low nutrient environment without zeo (it is possible) then yes, go ahead and dose without that system, but be aware that most of those additives are designed to put back in a controlled way, what the zeo system is removing. Hope that makes some sense.
Okay, this was something I was worried about. So if I choose to go ahead with either method, I should definately fully reasearch the system requirments for each additive and not just read "hey, this stuff makes blue colors pop" and dump it in willy nilly.
If you're looking for a set and forget system, I'd look at all the Bio-pellets out there. They require exactly zero dosing once stabilized.
I was looking at these too. Not much info though compared to Zeovit. From the few "reviews" I read, some people experienced their corals becoming worse, with intense cyno blooms. Others werent very impressed with the changes and some were very happy. I just couldnt really find a comprehensive explanation or detailed success story to fully sway me into the biopellets.
Anyway, if you want a scientific insight into this topic (with empirical data and research documents), go here:
Gary (mesocosm) has assembled a veritable library of information relevant to this topic and has paraphrased much of the research jargon into laymen terms (or close enough)
Will read, thanks a for the info.