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Old 07-06-2011, 02:28 PM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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Location: Calgary, AB
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reefwars will become famous soon enough

Originally Posted by nlreefguy View Post
So is it just the cone they don't like? Or does there have to be ice cream in it? Because I tell ya, I slept with ice cream in it last night and I think I'll just put up with the zombies if I have to do that again! (also, I just ended up eating all the ice cream in my sleep) Can I just leave an ice cream cone on my bedroom door-knob? That would be much more convenient - then all I have to do is deal with the zombie horde outside my bedroom in the morning, no big deal...

actually zombies like ice cream but hate the cones so if you use both its kinda neutral your lucky to be alive as they really wanted that ice cream but didnt want to take the chance on the cone lol soon though they will get brazin enough to go for it

my advice is to place cones all around your doors and windows outside then you can still have the house to your self but dont worry fred buddy

cause all of us at n.a.z.i (national institutue of zombie intellegence) are constantly working around the clock to find a way to eliminate the need for placing cones around your house and living in fear of these monsters

weve also learned today that zombies dont like fog so us here in nl have a greater chance of survival than those on the mainland
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