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Old 07-06-2011, 12:04 AM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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Location: Calgary, AB
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Originally Posted by CoralineCori View Post
Lately it seems my Rose Bubble Tip is having a hard time finding a place it likes. In the last 2 days he has almost travelled my entire 40 gal reef tank. There is no loss of color and the nem is fed variety of Krill, Silversides and anything left from feeding the rest of our fish/corals. Any ideas why he is moving so much? I suppose a number of, flow etc.

could be a number of reasons everything from light to water parameters to flow or it simply is looking for a place to die.its going to move around untill it feels comfortable enough to stay put and grow/reproduce.feeding it silversides isnt really necessary bubble tips get all the food they need from light and rarely need to be target fed with meaty foods plus silversides isnt really a healthy or natural food for a bubble tip you would be better off giving it a very small amounts of mysis or brine once a sure he will find a spot and stay put.

what kind of lights do you have?

hope this helps.cheers
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