so today after discussing my thoughts with the experts we have came to some scientific conclusions they are as follows:
1) zombies dont like bee stings
2)zombies are afraid of ice cream cones(not waffle cones the old school stand up cones)
3)9 out of 10 zombies cant believe its not butter
4)every 10th zombie believes its butter
5)next to socks yes socks zombies are the root of all evil
6)a zombie may take your life but he doesnt have to wear your clothes
7)there are no coloured zombies so the minority is safe
8)zombies cant swim but they float so youll have to hold your breath
9)zombies in africa are called zimbombie
10)people over 80 are not infected
11)zombies cant type,write or speak but they know what your thinking
12)the first ever zombie we know about originated from saskatoon
13)zombies do like drugs

14)studys show that before you become a zombie you may have a slight tingling feeling in your left arm
15)a zombie cant walk backwards
16)zombies is plural for zombie
17)closing your eyes will not protect you
18)a zombie is not slow infact they move at the speed of light its just so fast they appear slow to our eyes
19)a zombie never picks up the tab he will most always dine and dash
20)if you must fight a zombie get em with the left hook zombies dont know about the left hook
im hoping with the knowlege we have learned here today and these well thought out and put together facts we have a chance at saving mankind
cheers all