Thread: Eco Reefer
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Old 07-04-2011, 03:22 PM
sitandwatch sitandwatch is offline
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Calgary
Posts: 215
sitandwatch is on a distinguished road

Are you useing the ecoreef sand? If so you are going to have a very cloudy tank for about a week its near impossible to rinse.

I went from about 30gal to a 105 gal

Added about 100lbs or ecoreef rock and 50ish pounds of sand

I added in the new rock and 3/4 of the old rock to the new tank, rock-scaped then added the sand (note I did not rinse any of it) after adding the sand I could not see in the tank for about a week I also added in some of the original sand to help seed the new sand, for water changes I took old tank water and added it to the new tank.

By the time I finished getting the new tank up and running and everything moved over was about 2 weeks this was mostly as I could not really see into the tank, I never really saw a cycle I looked for one but it never really came about for me
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