unbelievable chris ^^ i dont think my plug has grown a single polyp in 8 months lol.
I have since moved one of the plugs into deeper and darker water and the polyps appear to be opening alittle wider so i think its happier down there. Ive also started dosing iodine in hopes that will play a positive role. Im wondering if im "overskimming" the water column and stripping it of most dissolved organics. I guess time will tell, ive got years of trial and error to see what works and what doesnt

. Thanks for all the helpful comments


- 33 Gal - 20Gal Sump, MP10/Hydor Powerheads, Aquaticlife 4x T-5HO, Vertex IN100, TLF w/Biopellets, Tunze ATO
-45GAL Build in Progress!-