I never have the slightest problem with my sps, but the zoanthids are a real mystery. I can have a colony thriving one day and the polyps are big and beautiful, and the next day they are all shriveled and tiny. No idea why. They don't seem to like me dosing with sodium carbonate either and shrivel if the change is too drastic in alkalinity.
I noticed that doing a water change always please them but it depends on the salt. I almost lost them all when I switched to H2O salt, and they are coming back strong now with IO Reef Crystal.
I had a colony invaded with pink hair algae and it was declining. I dipped it in 50% peroxyde hydrogen and 50% tank water. They seem to be doing well and the algae is gone and they are coming back better. The peroxide killed all the invading algae and pest and the zoa are doing fine. I am planning to do this treatment to all my colonies that are doing soso.
This is to my opinion the hardest coral to keep healthy for a long time. I have alveopora for a year and half and it's doing great....can't say the same for my zoanthids.