I really wish that books and the internet wouldnt classify zoanthids as an easy/beginners coral......they can be every bit as tricky as SPS.....what some people dont realize is, zoanthids are harvested from a wide range of "zones" ......some zoas are tidal and literally get exposed to the air at low tide and tons of light.....other zoas are deepwater and dont get exposed to much light at all(comparatively speaking).....so this makes generalizing about how much light and flow etc that zoa X needs, very difficult....you really do need to play around with placement.....but where ever you do decide to place them, glue them down.....they seem to never really settle in and grow if they are getting pushed around or knocked over....
260g mixed reef, 105g sump, water blaster 7000 return, Bubble King SM 300 skimmer, Aqua Controller Jr, 4 radions, 3 Tunze 6055s,1 tunze 6065, 2 Vortech MP40s, Vortech MP20, Tunze ATO, GHL SA2 doser, 2 TLF reactors (1 carbon, 1 rowa). http://www.canreef.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=50034 . Tank Video here http://www.vimeo.com/2304609 and here http://www.vimeo.com/16591694