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Old 06-27-2011, 01:11 PM
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Originally Posted by The Grizz View Post
Well so far I have found the Profilux to be easier to program the power bar because you can hook it to a laptop.

If someone that has an Apex can tell me how to program the power bar that would be great, I am test driving this unit for Oxymoron but have one coming for my FOWLR.
The Apex can be plugged into your router with an ethernet cable (provided) and accessed over a web browser by typing in its IP address... but I actually programed all of mine with the display unit. Without knowing the programing language and what all of my options were I found the web interface to be only useful for very basic programs and making modifications. Even though I owned an ACIII for several years it took me a while to figure out how to work with the Apex. Unfortunately I got it all figured out before I discovered the 'easy to read' new user guide here:
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