Parting out 20 gallon
Gauging intrest in a 20g tank
All prices are OBO unless stated
Tank-30 nice 20g no top trim nice edges black silicone Not Drilled
Stand-50 custom built comes with pump rio1700+ 2x10g sump and plumbing check thread to see stand cabinet piece has stain on the stone from when I stained it was going to throw it out but I kept it and it can go with the stand if it's wanted
lights-150 24" aquaticlife 4 bulb fixture with built in timer needs new bulbs fixture has been used about 7 months and has been treated well always kept in original packaging when not in use
Skimmer-120 aqua c urchin bought at Christmas Paid 300 at AI in Edmonton
CPR overflow-110 600g/ph comes with airlifter bought at Christmas
Koralia 1 400g/ph-20