Book like that would be great if it gives a framework for setting up and maintaining a reef aquarium. Huge amount of work to do this to get to the level of something say like The Reef Aquarium by Delbeek & Sprung. Getting it published is another challenge. Are you published yet with that book?
180 gal tank, 50 gal sump, PM RFCa6 Ca Reactor, SWC Extreme 250 1A Cone Skimmer, Tunz Osmolator ATOF, Aquacontroller Apex, Aquaillumination Sol Super Blue 6 x 75w Units, Acros/Softies/LPS/Mushrooms/Zoos, Purple/Powder Blue/Yellow Tang/3xBlue Chromis/2xTomato Clown/Lawnmower Blenny