Originally Posted by chris121277
wow your tank is stunning!!
Great work man, not sure if it's been asked yet, but what is your dosing regime like? do you run 2 part with a dosing pump?
I make up my own 3 part. In 1 gallon jugs I mix the following:
1gallon 3 once of kent turbo calcium
1gallon 4 once of baked baking soda
1gallon 6 once of mag cholride
I dose the calcium and alk in the mornings in equal parts. I have a very high demand so i go through a lot of it. A one gallon jug of cal or alk last me about a week. At the end of the week I test the levels to make sure they are in line. If they are a bit high then I will cut back a bit and if they are two low I will dose a bit more. I try to keep my alk at 8DKH and my calcium at 420ppm.
I am not as strict with magnesium, I dose it randomly and a rarely test it. The corals are not as sensitive to magnesium levels. I aim for 1300ppm but anywhere from 1100-1500ppm will keep them happy.