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Old 06-23-2011, 11:08 AM
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phi delt reefer phi delt reefer is offline
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Location: London, ON
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phi delt reefer is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by chris88 View Post
I feed once or twice a day a mix of pellets and veggies flakes. It’s hard to tell in the picture but there are 13 fish in the tank so i am bit overstocked. It could be all of their crap that helps with the sps and zoanthid growth rates.

I use to spot feed the sps corals rotifers and coral frenzy once a week. Now I am a bit lazier and I only feed the corals a small pinch of coral frenzy directly into the display tank every second day. Also every second day i add two drops of KZ coral vitalizer.

I do not do water changes unless something goes wrong in my tank such as corals looking stressed or pale, etc. In the year that the tank has been set up in its new location I might have changed out 20g of water lol. I do have a good skimmer and I use filter floss to mechanically remove dirtrius which I stir up in the display with a turkey baster once or twice a week. I have tried both tap and RO water and I notice no difference with either. If you have any more question feel free to ask i enjoy it.
I'm going to have a lot of fish in my little tank but i figure my heavily over-rated skimmer + lots of flow will keep all the crap in the water column for the corals to take advantage of. Going to have 5 shrimp and about 10 fish. I work from home two days a week so i think i'll squeeze in a couple water changes weekly just in case.
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