Originally Posted by lorenz0
what skimmer is it?
I know poeple on here love pictures so here you go.
Air flow 700 l/h
rated for 500L to 800L (211 gal) Tank
Hailea HX-6530 Pump with Needlewheel Impeller
Water level:21-27cm
Size :220*310*570MM
It is the largest i could fit in to my sump. Its got rubber feet under the pump and under the skimmer body as well. Pump & Impeller design is strickingly similar to Eheim. Water level inside is very stable and besically always the same thanks to a water effluent design through that elevated elbow. Thanks to that skimmer is not sensitive to a sump water level variations.

Nice frothy just the right size bubbles.


Water level control is very easy and precise. The red knob is on the other side of this.




Diffusor plate.

