06-23-2011, 05:33 AM
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 289
Finally the moment that every reef hobbiest has been waiting for!!
The days of Calcium test kit inaccuracies are finally over!
No longer will you be asking yourself
"Was that the full color change or do I add one more drop?"
Finally a digital, Calcium test kit is being released!
Ohhh, Yeaaaahh Baby!!!
We are soooo excited to announce the release of the Hanna Digital Calcium test kits!!
These kits are so easy to use that anyone (including your better half that knows nothing about the tank) can use them and you can be certain that the results are accurate and repeatable each and every time.
Don't toss out your titration test kits quite yet, Reef Wholesale dealers are just starting to take Pre-orders now!
And of course we just have to sweeten the pot a bit 
Everyone that places a pre-order for the Hanna Calcium Checker with an RW dealer will receive a
Yup thats right, an amazing test kit and THE BEST magazine on the market today.
Buy a HANNA Calcium Checker:

Get a Free Coral Magazine!
Calcium Checkers are scheduled to Ship in Mid-August.