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Old 06-22-2011, 08:55 PM
Phoenix_M Phoenix_M is offline
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Default selling complete operating tank; any ideas on prices to ask?

hi all; looking to unfortunately get out of the (great) hobby.
wondering if anyone can offer insight on what my package might be worth.
posted on kijiji for $2500 and no replies; so i think i'm out to lunch.

here's the body:

90Gallon Reef Aquarium for sale. It is with regret that time and space requirements have me getting out of the hobby. and we're moving our office; so this is a great time.
This reef is live operating. It comes with the fish, reef, live-rock, live-sand, etc. Very Clean. Very Healthy.

I will assist in the relocation as to minimize any damage or loss.


90Gallon Glass Tank
metal Stand
Cover with feeding doors and 2x 4' fluroescent lights
Protein Skimmer
Rena Filstar XP4
Protein Skimmer
Submserible Heater
2 high-rate fans
submserible heater
~ 40lbs sea floor (live sand
40 lbs sea floor sand (unopened)
~50lbs live-rock
3/4 pail salt
all other feed & test kit accessories

Polyp hard-coral (retractive)
x-mas tree worm
mini-x-mas tree worms; growing on/in live-rock
large Snail (algae control)
various hermit crabs (bottom cleanup patrollers)
2x clown fish
1x blue tang
1x skunk cleaner shrimp
3x damsels
2x wrasse (?)
1 x goby (looks/acts like an eel)
sand worm (?? mia)
yellow tang
various aneomones

will be negotiable on price if no initial interest; i want this moved by first week in July.

link to pics:

anyone with experience selilng systems like this?

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