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Old 06-22-2011, 02:04 AM
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bignose bignose is offline
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Edmonton
Posts: 943
bignose is on a distinguished road

Since my last post I split my returns and added a couple more flare nozzles reducing the flow allowing for full flow. No more sand storm and all my corals seem to be happy.

I also changed my bulbs to the following:
1. ATI Blue plus
2. KZ Newgen II
3. D&D Powerchrome pink
4. ATI Aquablue Sp.
5. ATI Purple+
6. ATI Aquablue Sp.
7. ATI Purple plus
8. ATI Blue plus

For the past month I've started dosing vodka and have positive results except for 1 coral with some bleached tips but the color seems to be coming back slowly. Growth and color are starting to increase. Presently I'm at 1.3 ml daily and will soon be dosing zeobak.

Also some hair algae is appearing in my tank probably from all the frozen food I've been feeding. I've cut back the frozen to once every 3 days and feed nls pellets for the other days. To combat the algae I bought a lawnmower blenny.
I also bought another scooter dragonette to pair with my other scooter. They were doing their dance last night swimming up and around the tank, very interesting to watch. No aggression between them so I'm happy.


purple deaths

blue mille starting to color up

alien eyes

onyx true percula
My old tank journal
90G sps reef

Last edited by bignose; 06-22-2011 at 02:09 AM.
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