Thread: Vancouver Fans
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Old 06-17-2011, 06:40 PM
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silentcivilian silentcivilian is offline
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The chief of police said 15 cars burned and 2 of which were police cars. One culprit was the formentioned boy in post 49 and 50, the other is a young blond girl who has also already been identified and arrested. Charges pending based on evidence. Evidence is a strange thing in courts these days. I know one police officer that has over 40 DUI charges in the last 3 years in Calgary, he has had over 30 thrown out on top of that. He says on a couple of cases its been thrown out due to lack of evidence even though it was evident that they were drunk. So know he makes it sure on his report he has at least 7 confirming peices of evidence and at least 3 witnesses to confirm it. So somthing like this unless someone has a video that shows suspect post #49 actually successfully lighting the car on fire, and shows that no one else also was lighting the car on fire, the charges will be dropped, but he will be nailed with several other smaller charges. They will get him with somthing but to actually charge him with destrction of 50K will be tough.

Also, Gobytron -- Drop it dude. This is coming from a Senators fan who finished 5 worst in the league and sold off most of its talent to the highest bidder. I was cheering for Boston for what I believe to be the right reasons: 1. Mark Recchi after 22 years in the league deserves to walk out of his career with one final cup. 2. Tyler Seguin should text Taylor Hall and say I guess getting drafted Second isnt so bad. 3. Tim Thomas had a amazing year and is the most exciting goal tender to watch.

There are reasons for not cheering for Vancouver too, but thats because of the way they played hockey which was most seen in the Chicago series. If you want a list ill PM it to you.

But ill say this, it was a awesome Stanley cup series from the start and both teams played well, Boston just had more in game 7 when they needed it.

All the happened it Vancouver was a mob mentality, a few empower the masses to do somthing they wouldnt normally do. Of the 100,000 fans on the street and the 14,000 in rogers arena, 100 wanted it, 2000 or so followed it, and the only sad part about those numbers are over 100,000 people just walked away and didnt try to stop it. The awesome part that came out of it, was the 1000's that assembled downtown to help the clean up.
In today's world of nearly instant everything and what is exceptional today is only par tomorrow. My Reef is the only place where I must wait, and do so with glee.

Last edited by silentcivilian; 06-17-2011 at 06:44 PM.
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