Thread: Vancouver Fans
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Old 06-17-2011, 02:10 PM
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Originally Posted by Jamieh View Post
They were loud and drunk. The van loads of riot police heading in and the mess all around me made methink I was in the middle east somewhere and not a Canadian city???
Hard to believe these days how utterly dumb these folks are thinking they won't be identified for their deeds, with all the cameras & internet publicity. As far as the Middle East, you may be better off there, since those riots are people fighting for what we already have, freedom. It's been a long time since we gained that freedom or defended it in a major conflict (although some of our young folks are risking their lives in Afghanistan for Afghanistan). There's a sense of entitlement, both in our government and clearly in the minds of those that turn sporting events into disasters.

It's not just hockey, many professional sports in other democratic countries (soccer hooliganism) spawn this kind of behaviour. One reason I've become somewhat disenchanted with the whole pro sports culture. Not the fault of the teams or organizations but then again, we seem to feed off the behaviour of certain overpaid athletes (and politicians for that matter Weinergate?) who can't stay out of trouble and the media which brings the latest/greatest scandal into our lives. Then there are the hockey Moms & Dads that give coaches a hard time & put too much pressure on their youngsters to perform to their expectations.

I've actually begun watching more women's sporting events, hockey & soccer. Less testosterone and more intelligence & tactics to how they play the game. Looking forward to the FIFA Women's World Cup this summer. And for the most part, the ladies are softer and smell nice.
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Last edited by mike31154; 06-17-2011 at 02:18 PM.
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