Originally Posted by Bblinks
I am proud to be a Vancouver Canucks fan riot or no riot. 50-80 thousand people doesn't make it easy for crowd control. VPD did what they had to do. It only took a few out of towner to instigate and we got ourselves a full blown riot, they are probably all hitch hike here from Calgary anyways. 
true, but the VPD started way to lait as soon as it started they should have used tear gas.
you guys keep saying it was out of towners, are you sure.. do you know the people who started it? or do you know everyone in the vancouver regional district and they have all told you it wasn't them?
I am not saying it wasn't out of towners and I am not saying it was.. what I am saying is it is pretty bold to assume there is no one that lives in a city area with a population of over 2 mill that would cause trouble. as for weather it was canucks fans instagating or not thats not the issue and it isn't a reason to bash any teams fans, what it is is another case of the city not being prepared.
as for the earlier comment about what would have happened if some one tried to interveen there was a video of a guy kicking a car and a girl cold cocked him for it.. he sulked away... if there are only a few out of towners causing problem as people keep saying what about the 80000+ in towners.. you think a couple people are going to stand up to a big mob.. nope. the footage shows that everyone was cheering the few on, then others startrd getting involved..
we had a smaller scale thing in edmonton in the 80's I was in the area but not on the same street. as soon as people started beating and flipping a cop car the fire deparment turned on the water hoses on the crowd. people left and went home before it got much worse..
The VPD knows how fast protests get out of hand down there at the first sign of trouble there should have opened up with the flash bangs and the tear gas.
mind you while I am all for protest and civil rights, I am also against civil disobeadiance so I may take a harder line view on some things.
although I did have to laugh at the video of the guy who got hit in the gonads with the flashbang.. I am sure he isn't feeling all that great.

*everything said above is just my opinion, and may or may not reflect the views of this BBS, its Operators, and its Members. If cornered on any “opinion” I post I will totally deny having ever said this in a Court of Law…Unless I am the right one*
Some strive to be perfect.... I just strive.