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Old 06-15-2011, 05:58 PM
Jex Jex is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Edmonton ab
Posts: 5
Jex is on a distinguished road

Hey, thanks for the advice.

The tank looks good. I will post some pictures in a bit.

I used 20lbs of live sand and 30 lbs of dead sand. The dead sand was added first then covered with live sand. So not completely all dead sand.
From my researching, using full live sand sounded like a waste of money.

Lets see, haven't bought any fish yet.

Not sure now. As the mushrooms have changed a bit. Some of the small ones look dried up. Others look good. And now this morning some have
green little spots on the edges.

Reading on the mushrooms sound like they will have an adjustment period for new lighting and new water conditions.
Also they like iodine and other reef additives?
I realize when I used Instant Ocean salt, instead of reef crystals that my water is probably a bit low on the good stuff reefs like. I wasn't planning on getting mushrooms or anemones off the start, but the guy had shrooms all over his live rock. And basically threw in the anemone.

So did a 10g water change with some additives and reef crystal mix. Additives used as directed on the bottles:
Kent marine, Stronium & Molybdenum
SeaChem Reef Advantage Calcium Additive

I retested ammonia it is around 0.5. That actually what it was on Saturday.
I am use to fresh water, so I surprised to see any color change when testing. Looks like 0.5 is acceptable for saltwater?

I am thinking about getting a Kaltwasser Additive and perhaps an Iodine?
Also Alkalinity, phosphate, maybe calcium tester?
Not sure if they are necessary.

Also I am unhappy to say the worms are multiplying right before my eyes even, the cheeky buggers.
I pulled out 3 full ones and a bunch of halves.
I realize they aren't that bad, but I didn't go saltwater to have a worm colony. Would love to get something to that eats them.
But I agree on waiting before adding much.....although I want something to hunt the little buggers, so I don't have to.

What are additives that should be used for an anemone and mushroom anemones?

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