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Old 06-13-2011, 02:36 PM
DeneBanger DeneBanger is offline
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Waterloo Ontario
Posts: 44
DeneBanger is on a distinguished road

So now we are getting close to mama shrimp's expected due date of June 14th, in preparation I moved her from the broodstock tank to the nursery. The eggs look quite engorged but are still an olive green colour, over the next few days they'll start changing colour and the day of "delivery" (or a day before) the eyes spots of the larvae will begin to show. Mama is quite comfortable in the nursery and on occasion cleans the eggs with her rear legs.

This time I've added four very small Nassarius snails to the nursery to help with any uneated food. For this batch I'm going to stay with feeding the larvae shaved FW cyclops. In a batch or two I may moved over to NHBBS but for now I want to see if there is another food source that is easier (or more convenient) for home hobbyists to use.
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