Hey Mike. I'm also really sorry to hear this. I know you must be bummed.
I'm not convinced it's the food. If it were the food, you might expect one or two fish too tough it out. You might also expect them to show signs of distress over a couple of days. That's not to say that it couldn't be a toxin in the food that kills rapidly, but if that is the case I think we can expect to hear of other occurrences in the coming days.
The oxygen theory is plausible. It's worth exploring, but also seems unlikely to hit both tanks simultaneously. Stranger things have happened.
I'm not sure that I can help with the answer, but there must be one. I know it's cruel, but I would be tempted to buy a 'canary' fish and see if the tank water is the culprit. If he was fine in the tank, I'd feed the mysis. I would document everything and if that killed him I would threaten the manufacturer with a massive publicity campaign. With proof in hand, they might settle.
At the very least, I wouldn't throw out the food just yet. Nor would I really suggest using it ever again.
- Brad