SOLD Fish keeping Magazines $30
24 issues of Freshwater & Marine aquarium.
12 issues of Aquarium Fish International.
Cover list price $5.50 & $5.99 CAN subscription for 12 issues no lower than $20 at best.
Magazines in excellent shape. Lots of hours of great information. If your new to fish keeping this is a gold mine.
See kijiji ad for pics
30 g - fire fish , golden dwarf angelfish + pistol shrimp
120 g+30sump - maroon clown, bi-colour blenny, falco hawkfish, dragon goby, sunrise d-back, yellow wrasse, 2 pyjamas, 6 line, mandarine, flame angelfish
Last edited by des_merc; 06-25-2011 at 08:54 PM.
Reason: Sold