Thread: cycling my 220g
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Old 06-08-2011, 12:48 AM
sully08 sully08 is offline
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: sherwood park
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Originally Posted by Bblinks View Post
I got about 150-170 pound of live rock. I really don't think you need anymore than that. It all depends on what you want to keep. Nowadays it seem less is more if you know what I mean. On my tank I do keep a very good water change schedule since day one, 5-10% every week. I can only count a hand full of time where I lefted it for 10 days. Also I have a heavy duty skimmer to export any or all excess nutrients.

I have a heavily stocked sps tank with 6 large tangs and 14-16 small-medium size fish and I never have any problem with my ammonia or nitrite. I started to run bio-pellets after 6 month into the setup and that took care of nirate and phosphate, but after a while the phosphate crept back up a bit, so now I am running rowaphos in conjunction with bio-pellet.

I don't dissagree with a pound of LR for every gallon of water. I think its just a generalization. It all boils down to your bioload and what kind of coral you would like to keep. Do you mind taking a picture of your setup and share it with us, i would love to check it out.
I have to get a journal going of my journey. I did fresh water for about 30 yrs. and was getting a little board with it. Decided to bite the bullit (cost wise) and change over to salt. Lots of planning and blogging went on for about 4 months while I sold off all my fresh water stock and the decision had to be made weather to drill my tank or not. Drilling was the way to go and away I went. I believe that I had a little knowledge of salt systems, I had seen lots over the years. I know that I still have alot to learn and I am looking forward to it. I will try to round up a couple of pics. tonight and post them
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