Thread: cycling my 220g
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Old 06-07-2011, 10:13 PM
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Bblinks Bblinks is offline
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I would wait another week or so. It has already been 19 days, whats another week. test the water frequently to make sure it is cycling. When I moved my 72 to my 210, I used almost all the sand and live rock from the 72. Everything was transported within 12 hours plus 60 lb of store bought live sand. I waited 24 hours for the water to clear up then I moved all the live stock including coral and a few sps colonies into the new setup and never had a problem. During the first week or two I used stability from seachem just to make sure I have enough bacteria to process all the waste and the cycle just continued on in the new tank without missing a beat.
The only difference is the extra 100 lbs of rock that you added, not too sure how its going to affect on the cycle.
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