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Old 05-31-2011, 08:05 AM
RuGlu6 RuGlu6 is offline
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Vancouver PoMo
Posts: 829
RuGlu6 is on a distinguished road

Here is an up date.
yes, still running externally all OK, nevertheless i installed a container under it just in case.

Observation: It works better with smaller sizer reactor media. The reason is that the Atman PH1100 pump is more powerful then say Maxi Jet, and can push a lot more water though the media.
So what i did is that i added small size aragonite to the reactor and now its completely packed. Also just to be on the safe side i protected the pump intake (the orange strainer on the last picture on page one of the thread) with open cell foam/sponge from old aquaclear HOB filter.

All in all its a good reactor, set it and forget it type. Ph effluent is 6.6-6.8 depending on the drip rate. I have it running at a fast drip rate about 3 drops per second. And a bubble of Co2 every 4-5 seconds. very economical in terms of Co2 consumption. If i slow down the effluent drip rate, Ph inside the reactor goes down a few points in few hrs.
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