Originally Posted by rusty
Nice tank, corals lok awesome!
Originally Posted by Doug's fish
I've seen many aquariums in my time. And that aquarium is a work of art from the heart. Just a couple of questions. Are you using any chemicals / additives,
each week , how often are your water chances and what filter system are you using ? All I say is WOW.
Great work !!!
No, I don't use any chemicals or additives and water changes are done every couple of months. I guess the main filter system for this set up is the live rock and I also use an AC100 that's turned into a refugium.
I should mention that when this tank was first set up water changes were done weekly. However, as the tank got more established the frequency of water changes decreased. This is a very low maintenance system and I really don't do much other than cleaning the glass and feeding the fish.