Its baaaaaack! Please Read!
Lost all 14 of my live stock 2 months ago to a combo of ich and velvet in 3-4 days. After this, I setup a qt and let the display tank go fishless for 7 LONG ass weeks. All that was in there was some cleaner shrimp, crabs and corals.
Got a nice 6" aussie harlequin tusk and put him in chelated copper (coppersafe) 1-2ppm quarantine for 4.5 weeks. Fattened him up, super healthy so relocated him into the display tank on the day of the 7th week.
Everything was great, things were going well. One week in, he jumps out one night and I barely save his life.... 2 days later F***** ICH! Seriously? What did I do wrong? Surely waiting an extra week to make it 8 full weeks wouldn't have made all the difference? I am choked... I cant leave the display tank fishless for 8 weeks again...
Just a heads up for all practicing good qt.... I am assuming 7 weeks was not sufficient? I am stumped.
75G reef, 30G sump