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Old 05-27-2011, 12:02 AM
themastr themastr is offline
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Wainwright, AB
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Guys this berghia is so easy to breed it just takes alot of aiptasia. I started with 3 a couple of months ago and have grown about 30 adults to now and have thousands of eggs in the setup as we speak but I can't keep up with the Aiptasia colony. thats the only reason I am selling all that I have cause I'm hoping the aiptasia will grow out of control in the next 3 weeks.

Just place them in a 1 litre or pop bottle with new sterilized saltwater in your tank with an airstone. feed an aiptasia everytime you see them turn white and wait like about 5 weeks. as long as you have the bottle topped off from evap water you will have some hatchlings. all you really need is about 20-30 hatchlings and they should eventually clear your tanks. Oh and make sure you don't get the bottle contaminated with bugs and copepods, mysis, etc. They will eat the eggs.

Thats it. not time consuming but a little addicting. LOL

I'm hoping others will breed them too. They just came out with a great book on breeding berghias and it's awesome.

"Breeding Berghia Nudibranches"

by Dene Banger

Very good book.

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