This is not my first time keeping mandarins. Thank you for your concern, but I am sure you will see that I have taken steps to support them.
I plan to train for frozen food.
Also... There us nothing else in this tank. Large. HOB fuge and this tank has been running non stop for about 4 years. I revamped it this year. V
Anyone who experienced Nano reefing knows keeping mandarins in a small tank IS very, very possible.
Originally Posted by StirCrazy
in the long run you will not be able to produce the pods required in this size of tank for one mandrin little lone 2. but they are eating blood worms so you need to train them to eat a more ballanced food for them as blood worms are good for a suplament but not a staple. a high quality small pellet or something like that would be an ideal food to get them eating, but don't buy a bunch see if you can borrow a few table spoons from some one till you know you are sucessfull in getting them to eat it.
If I saw this sooner I would have urged you to go with a min of a 90 gal for a pair of mandrins but to late now. one way to help with the production of pods is to fill your refuge about 1/2 to 3/4 full of rubble rock. I did this in my 94 gal but hid the piles of rubble under the rock work and in the sump. with over 240 lbs of Live rock and rubble I went from tones of pods to seeing them once and a while with in a month of adding the mandrins so they are a large consumer and mine did mate several times as the tank was 24" tall. in hind site a 30" tall tank would be better but 24" works for the most part.