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Old 05-26-2011, 04:27 AM
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Originally Posted by MKLKT View Post
but the focus goes on the Sedins and Luongo.
yup there are lots of guns on the canucks but the thing is when the sedins are hot they do actualy make everyone else look like there along for the ride, and I don't like Vancouver my wife does.. but I do agree when they are on they are amazing to watch.

Originally Posted by MKLKT View Post
I love watching hockey in general, I watched the Flames in 04, Oil in 06 and Sens in 07, too. Blind team devotion and hate for other teams is pretty dumb and bandwagon-y.

I've played ice hockey for 20-odd years so I'd like to think I know what I'm talking about.
you know I have been playing for 35 years now (who cares how long some one has been playing hockey realy, I know people who have never played and can talk about hockey with the best...) team divotion is good for hockey, I personaly only hate one team though and thats calgary. although I was glad when Lanny finaly got a ring as he deserved one. with out team divotion the NHL would have been having problems long long ago, it is what fuels the league and brings money to the teams. with out that there would be no sell outs for the Oiler Vs. Cow town games, or the montral vs. boston, ect.... divotion is what gets the fans out there to the games, with out it there would be no talk of the possability of the return of the Jetts, so ya it is a good thing.

I do watch a lot of hockey, probably 7 to 10 games a week during regular season (did I mention I love center ICE) but I do not jump band wagons.. when my team is out, I watch the rest but it doesn't matter who wins to me (well as long as it isn't Calgary) , I just like watching the play offs as it is realy the only real hockey of the whole year. everyone is going all or nothing playing hurt, and playing about 100% harder than they do in the regular season.. I even had to set two TV's side by side this year as the dumb a$$es decided to play playoff games at the same time.. and I didn't want to miss them.. I know, I need help, good thing there are two TVs in my Bar downstairs.....

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