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Old 05-25-2011, 09:23 PM
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GMGQ GMGQ is offline
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Location: Vancouver, BC
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I did this mod to both of my TLF150 reactors and the difference has been NIGHT AND DAY:

You can just gently twist off the bottom red plate, then glue the rest of the tubing together into the lid. Be sure to put a knitting mesh above the top red plate.

(i've put in more pellets since then, the reactors are 3/4 full now).

I'm only running a MJ1200 and MJ900, and they're both choked back with 1/2" valves. 550gph sounds like major overkill!

Also regarding your clumping, it's probably due to air bubbles stuck against the pellets. My reactors are hanging on the side of the sump, so I just lift out the bottom half of the reactor, let go, and let it bang against the sump. This shakes up the reactor and releases a bunch of the micro bubbles, and reduces clumping. Short of that, you have to give it more time! If you're only waiting an hour before cracking it open and stirring it, you're just injecting more bubbles when the pump starts up again. Shake up the reactor to loosen up the bubbles, and let it tumble for 1-2 weeks. If you have enough flow (which you must, with 550gph), then the clumps will slowly disappear. PATIENCE, GRASSHOPPER.

Originally Posted by blacknife View Post
getting really ****ed off at the constant clumping in TLF 150 with a 550 gph powerhead pushing it.

regular cyano outbreaks. but hey i had cyano before i had pellets.

I am sure if the dammed things would just keep tumbling they would work great but every day i have to take the thing apart and stir all the white grossness up to get them tumbling again only to have them all mostly stuck again in an hour.

any ideas how to make a tlf reactor work better?
bah probably just scrap the thing and run the tank without for a bit. considering zeo but buying anything for the tank lately falls into spousal fury territory.
Tank was up for 7yrs and 10months. Thanks Everyone!

2016/2017 180Gallon Build Coming Soon...

Last edited by GMGQ; 05-25-2011 at 11:55 PM.
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