Little update:
I changed my aquascape and Added about 20lbs of LR (I'm keeping the minimalist aquascape with 3 islands)
I added a black clownfish and my False perc became an aggressive female lol.
I also introduced a Yellow Tang who's really calm and is not as nuts as my first yellow tang

I got a Yashia Goby that has been hiding since frinday

I know where he hides so I target feed him and he eats, do you guys have any idea when he may start to come out? No one picked on him.. He just went to hide

I'm gonna wait 2 weeks for my tank to catch up with the new bioload and I'll add a Bangai Cardinal and a Tailspot Blenny.
My new skimmer is rocking and I get like a brownie mix skimmate lol
I'm running carbon and dosing vodka and Microbakter 7, I want to start with the biopellets but I'll have to get a new reactor and I'm afraid it may not work like some people said.
Plans for the future:
I hate my MH, they run to hot and it warms up my bedroom even with central AC.. So I want to change them for an ATI Sunpower with 6bulbs.
I may also get a profilux controller and dosing pumps, I'll do it in summer when I get out of classes

and that's all for now. Pictures tomorrow cuz I'm cleaning my tank