Originally Posted by spawn
Dude.... if your changing your water weekly or even every 2 weeks the change in salinity due to skimming & creep is not an issue. I can't believe this thread is still active. Like said before @ 1.026 the fish hate it so much they're jumping out of the ocean. bla bla bla temperature bla bla bla stuff bla bla bla more stuff. Let it go. The person at the lfs in the first post is a tool. 
Dude chill out. This is just a poll why are you so concerned about my 1.025 lol? I skim pretty wet and very slowly my salinity has crept down in the past. Ocassionally I'll also give people frags and some of my water so the trend is always very slow (but downward). To maintain 1.025 my small 10g changes (110g system) are mixed to 1.026. What's your issue and what does my post have to do with the LFS the OP mentioned?