Originally Posted by fishytime
I was thinking the same thing........
you got some cajones my friend......30+ fish in a month in a tank that has no "real" live rock?.......hope things do well for you......
So far so good...
Originally Posted by Sea Witch
Thanks Greenmaster--one of these days!
I have a question....don't you need at least a little live rock to seed the rest of your rock? I mean otherwise it will never come alive, no? And how much how often are you changing water......because you said you're not running filters or skimmers, right?
I added bottled bacteria... also the bacteria is everywhere it just takes a long time to reproduce so if you don't add it to the tank, either with LR or with an additive, it takes months to get going.
And about the filters/skimmers right I only have biological... if you look at the title of the post... 320g build/journey/experiment DIY :-)... I built it... definitely been a journey... lots of DIY... the experiment thing is what I am working on... I have yet to do a water change.