FS: Xenia, GSP, and Hammer (abbotsford)
I have a number of frags and bigger corals for sale:
Pulsing Xenia: $5 to $15 depending on size (1x small frags and 1x large one left)
Green Star Polyps: Frags $5, large rock completely full $35 (I actually have 2x large rocks for sale)
(is actually purple, with large extensions and a bright green center)
Neon Green Hammer (3 heads): $25 ***SOLD
Bright Orange Rhodactis Mushrooms (I think): $10 (single polyps) ***SOLD
Bright Red Mushroom Polyp: $5 (single) ***SOLD
Sorry no trades as my tank is already over full...
Last edited by moppy; 05-29-2011 at 11:19 PM.