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Old 05-20-2011, 10:32 AM
cathyg_99 cathyg_99 is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Edmonton
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cathyg_99 is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by tony_3a View Post
Well that sucked a lot. Check on the fish once before bed and It is stuck to the eggcrate, I guess it fell asleep and then the flow pulled it up, I dont really know..... for give me for being naive. Anyways, tried to net him and i got him, started thrashing in the little net, i finally got it loose and it swam right into my 14 inch anemone, who then tried to eat him, I netted the fish again right before it got to the mouth, then it swam to the other corner of the tank under some rocks where I can just see its tail, Breathing really heavily, I cannot get to the fish tho.

Im assuming its dead, which really sucks, best looking fish ive ever had.

between the spill and the mystery wrasse gone this day sucked...... as far as fish related problems go. Also i know it could be worse, but just sucks to lose a brand new fish.

Thanks for the input anyways

you might be okay just leave him alone for a bit hes just stressed, my 1 inch baby clown decided to take a leap into the overflow through the eggcrate down the intake past the filter socks, skimmer and was beside the return pump... hes now happy and swimming around the main display
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