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Old 05-18-2011, 11:43 PM
bpachal bpachal is offline
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Location: Cranbrook, BC
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Default Help, how many dwarf angels can a guy have

Hi Guys,

I have a 160 that I am starting from scratch as far as the fish load is concerned. The tank itself has been up for a number of years. I have just finished rebuilding the reef structure (took me 5 times to get it right... ocd played a part). The water, substrate, sump, live rock is all the same as before. The only fish that may get resigned is my two clowns that I started the hoby with; a pistol shrimp, watchman goby duo, small blue hippo I have had for about a year, and an odd pair of coral banded shrimp that unlike most are best of friends.

While I haven't decided if this is going to be a reef or fowlr I know for sure dwarf angels are going in. How many can in your guys' opinion can I house? My intended list is a flame, coral beauty, bi-color, and an Atlantic pygmy. Am I out to lunch?

The reef structure is built on a frame allowing the rocks to have large gaps and passages as opposed to a compact design you get from stacking. Tank again is 160 + 30 gal sump
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