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Old 05-18-2011, 05:32 AM
Maverick00 Maverick00 is offline
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Vancouver Island
Posts: 380
Maverick00 is on a distinguished road

ok thanks,

I have a 65w 'growing bulb' above the sump, i was running 24hrs but noticed its raising my water temp to around 82-83F. I dont have an automatic timer at the moment so ive been manually turning it on and off every 12 hrs or so. I was curious if i left it off all weekend (going out of town) if it would be alright.

I think ill go and buy some type of CFL, should solve the heat issue.

- 33 Gal - 20Gal Sump, MP10/Hydor Powerheads, Aquaticlife 4x T-5HO, Vertex IN100, TLF w/Biopellets, Tunze ATO

-45GAL Build in Progress!-
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