To start with you don't have the lights to support Coral, lots of people run tanks with out sumps. You've got some live sand there and putting rock into your system isn't hard, make sure your SG is 1.025 and your temp is stable. Your tank will cycle because of the rock addition. A 90 gl is a good size for a tank. I'd invest in some good lights and this certainly a good forem to ask what kind would be best. Good Luck
150 5x2x2 Starpphire Dream Tank, 84 GL Sump, Vertex in280, 2x Maxspect Razors 16 k,2x MP40, 200 LBS of Eco-Rock, 100 LBS mixed sand,
Orange Shoulder, Liutenant Tangs, Longnosed Hawk, Xmas Wrasse, Niger Trigger,
Clams, Blastos, Hammers, Frogs, All LPS