Thread: Orphek or AI
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Old 05-17-2011, 08:54 PM
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Originally Posted by southerner2 View Post
Yea, your right not dimmable.......Guess I will just stick with my MH.....wait a minute....those aren't dimmable.....Guess i will throw those out too.......My PC on my nano aren't the trash they go.....


Why is dimming such a big deal....people use this one argument for this fixture or that fixture....Very VERY few fixtures have any sort of automatic ramping on their dimming features....

i'm more concerned about the look, coverage and results.....I refuse to 86 anything just because it doesn't have dimming....

We've done very well for all these years without dimming....I don't think at this point dimming is something that I am ready to base the health of my system on....

As for shock on the corals...the argument that ramping eases the daily cycle for our tanks make sense to me...I'm not totally ignorant on logic but every step with LEDs all I hear about it dimming.......

Still waiting to see a truly grown under LED tank with big colonies.
I totally agree. I prefer to at least be able to turn my lights on in a sequence to not startle the fish but my T5s are instant on and I don't ever see the fish go into a panic. mh warm up so they have in a way built-in un-dimming lol...but when they abruptly turn off at night I never see issues.
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