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Old 05-17-2011, 07:06 AM
Sammy Sammy is offline
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Default Live Stock for Sale. Tank breakdown.

Hello again.

A friend of mine has been housing my tank for the last year + and its time to break it down. The tank itself has been running for over 2 years and we need to move the livestock first. What I have for sale is...


1x Red Sea Sailfin Tang(Desjardin) $40. great colors eatin NLS and Nori. ON HOLD
1 x Yellow Tang $30, Both tangs are about 3-4" ON HOLD
1 x Common Ocellaris clownfish $15 approx 2"
1 x yellow tail Blue Damsel $5. almost 2"
1 x Three Spot Domino Damselfish $10 Approx 3"
1 x Blood shrimp $15 approx 3" ON HOLD
I would love too sell them all for $100

I also have over a 100lbs of premium Fiji Liverock. No algae, comes with lots of Red shrooms and a mix of Star polyps and green/red polyps. $4/lbs. again would like to have it all gone in one shot.

And I also have about 60lbs of good clean livesand I would sell for about $40.
Livesand would have to be sold last. But I will take offers and hold for the first person untill the rest is sold.



Last edited by Sammy; 05-19-2011 at 09:51 PM.
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