Originally Posted by clk666
alright well ......what all would i need for equipment for a nemo clown?
Depends on who you ask.

here's a pretty good
article about it.
Have you ever kept freshwater fish before?
Did the tank come with anything?
You need:
1. reverse osmosis (RO) water. You can buy it or you can buy a unit that makes it out of tap water.
2. salt mix
3. some kind of filter, probably a little hang-on-the-back (HOB) skimmer.
4. some live rock (LR)
5. some substrate like aragonite sand (or some people keep a bare bottom tank)
6. lights (did the tank come with lights?)
7. thermometer, hydrometer, heater, test kits for testing various things.
8. fish food and some basic medicine.
9. a few new clean plastic buckets.
10. a sturdy stand to hold the tank. It will weigh 250-300 pounds.
11. maybe an extra pump or powerhead to move the water around in the tank.
Am I forgetting anything folks?