Thread: New 300
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Old 05-15-2011, 05:13 AM
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The Codfather The Codfather is offline
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Originally Posted by fishytime View Post
Thats wicked Bob! close do ya figure you are to calling it ALIVE?????
Well Doug, I think it's going to be a while yet. Now that is tested, I'm going to start the woodwork around it, I don't even have a sump yet. So it's going to be a while. Between the extra shifts at work and the kids, haven't had much time to work on this, but...........summer is coming and we know what that means! Two months off and my parents want the kids for at least a couple weeks. So I'm hoping by the end of August to be operational. I wish it could speed things up but I might as well be realistic.
There's plenty of room for all God's creatures.
Right next to the mashed potatoes.
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